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We have been the chosen media agency for Converge since 2022, building multi-platform campaigns to promote the Converge Challenge to the academic community.

The Converge Challenge aims to attract university staff, students and recent graduates of universities in Scotland who have an innovative idea for a business. The challenge offers financial support and training to entrepreneurs around the various skills a start-up business owner needs to be successful.

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Because the challenge has 3 different target audiences in staff, students and graduates, it was important to consider carefully how we could reach each group within the budget available to Converge.

LinkedIn was a natural fit to reach university staff, but students and recent graduates were less likely to already have LinkedIn profiles, so a mixture of Meta ads and display platforms such as Google Display Network and AdMaxim helped to reach this group without having to rely on directly buying media placements from universities themselves, which would have been prohibitively expensive.

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As well as planning the media, we helped the design team at Converge understand the different ad formats that were available and suggested ways they could adapt the campaign collateral to fit the different ad types and dimensions on offer.

Our work with Converge has helped the team ensure that each year applications have outnumbered spaces on the Challenge by more than 2 to 1, while navigating challenges around how to attribute conversions as the accuracy of cookie tracking declines, particularly for display channels.


unique users reached since 2022


digital ad impressions generated since 2022


video views from ad placements since 2023